Site/ing Folio and Up-Rooted, two series of drawings, are testimony to Otto Rank’s belief, expressed in his book Art and Artist, that art is often born out of a fear of loss or change.
In 2002, I was faced with an unexpected but necessary decision to leave my home in New York and move to Massachusetts. This was indeed a time of fear of loss and change. Without conscious intent, familiar objects from my surroundings began to appear in my drawings.
Trees that lined the property, the flowers in my garden, the wrought iron gate at the entrance, even the packing cartons strewn around, found their way onto the paper. The yellowed original architectural plans for the house fmally found with deeds of ownership were eulogized as well.
The Site/ing Folio series was all done on sheets of paper drawn on then ripped out of the pad with the tom edges visible, an apt metaphor for my feelings. “The artist as a creative individual uses the art-form that he finds ready to hand in order to express a something personal.”